sutta » sn » sn19 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 19.21

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 19.21

2. Dutiyavagga
Chapter Two


A Bad Novice Nun

“Idhāhaṁ, āvuso, gijjhakūṭā pabbatā orohanto addasaṁ sāmaṇeriṁ vehāsaṁ gacchantiṁ.
“Just now, reverend, as I was descending from Vulture’s Peak Mountain I saw a novice nun flying through the air.

Tassā saṅghāṭipi ādittā sampajjalitā sajotibhūtā, pattopi āditto sampajjalito sajotibhūto, kāyabandhanampi ādittaṁ sampajjalitaṁ sajotibhūtaṁ, kāyopi āditto sampajjalito sajotibhūto.
Her outer robe, bowl, belt, and body were burning, blazing, and glowing

Sā sudaṁ aṭṭassaraṁ karoti.
as she screamed in pain.

Tassa mayhaṁ, āvuso, etadahosi:
It occurred to me:

‘acchariyaṁ vata bho, abbhutaṁ vata bho.
‘Oh, how incredible, how amazing!

Evarūpopi nāma satto bhavissati.
That there can be such a sentient being,

Evarūpopi nāma yakkho bhavissati.
such an entity,

Evarūpopi nāma attabhāvapaṭilābho bhavissatī’”ti.
such an incarnation!’”

Atha kho bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi:
Then the Buddha said to the mendicants:

“cakkhubhūtā vata, bhikkhave, sāvakā viharanti;
“Mendicants, there are disciples who live full of vision and knowledge,

ñāṇabhūtā vata, bhikkhave, sāvakā viharanti, yatra hi nāma sāvako evarūpaṁ ñassati vā dakkhati vā sakkhiṁ vā karissati.
since a disciple knows, sees, and witnesses such a thing.

Pubbeva me sā, bhikkhave, sāmaṇerī diṭṭhā ahosi.
Formerly, I too saw that novice nun, but I did not speak of it.

Api cāhaṁ na byākāsiṁ.

Ahañcetaṁ byākareyyaṁ, pare ca me na saddaheyyuṁ.
For if I had spoken of it others would not have believed me,

Ye me na saddaheyyuṁ, tesaṁ taṁ assa dīgharattaṁ ahitāya dukkhāya.
which would be for their lasting harm and suffering.

Esā, bhikkhave, sāmaṇerī kassapassa sammāsambuddhassa pāvacane pāpasāmaṇerī ahosi.
That female novice used to be a bad novice nun in the time of the Buddha Kassapa’s dispensation.

Sā tassa kammassa vipākena bahūni vassāni bahūni vassasatāni bahūni vassasahassāni bahūni vassasatasahassāni niraye paccitvā tasseva kammassa vipākāvasesena evarūpaṁ attabhāvapaṭilābhaṁ paṭisaṁvedayatī”ti.
As a result of that deed she burned in hell for many years, many hundreds, many thousands, many hundreds of thousands of years. Now she experiences the residual result of that deed in such an incarnation.”


Dutiyo vaggo.


Kūpe nimuggo hi so pāradāriko,

Gūthakhādi ahu duṭṭhabrāhmaṇo;

Nicchavitthi aticārinī ahu,

Maṅgulitthi ahu ikkhaṇitthikā;

Okilini sapattaṅgārokiri,

Sīsacchinno ahu coraghātako.

Bhikkhu bhikkhunī sikkhamānā,

Sāmaṇero atha sāmaṇerikā;

Kassapassa vinayasmiṁ pabbajjaṁ,

Pāpakammaṁ kariṁsu tāvadeti.

Lakkhaṇasaṁyuttaṁ samattaṁ.
The Linked Discourses with Lakkhaṇa are complete.