sutta » sn » sn22 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 22.9

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 22.9

1. Nakulapituvagga
1. Nakula’s Father


Impermanence in the Three Times

At Sāvatthī.

“Rūpaṁ, bhikkhave, aniccaṁ atītānāgataṁ;
“Mendicants, form of the past and future is impermanent,

ko pana vādo paccuppannassa.
let alone the present.

Evaṁ passaṁ, bhikkhave, sutavā ariyasāvako atītasmiṁ rūpasmiṁ anapekkho hoti;
Seeing this, a learned noble disciple doesn’t worry about past form,

anāgataṁ rūpaṁ nābhinandati;
doesn’t look forward to enjoying future form,

paccuppannassa rūpassa nibbidāya virāgāya nirodhāya paṭipanno hoti.
and they practice for disillusionment, dispassion, and cessation regarding present form.

Vedanā aniccā …pe…
Feeling …

saññā aniccā …
Perception …

saṅkhārā aniccā atītānāgatā;
Choices …

ko pana vādo paccuppannānaṁ.

Evaṁ passaṁ, bhikkhave, sutavā ariyasāvako atītesu saṅkhāresu anapekkho hoti;

anāgate saṅkhāre nābhinandati;

paccuppannānaṁ saṅkhārānaṁ nibbidāya virāgāya nirodhāya paṭipanno hoti.

Viññāṇaṁ aniccaṁ atītānāgataṁ;
Consciousness of the past and future is impermanent,

ko pana vādo paccuppannassa.
let alone the present.

Evaṁ passaṁ, bhikkhave, sutavā ariyasāvako atītasmiṁ viññāṇasmiṁ anapekkho hoti;
Seeing this, a learned noble disciple doesn’t worry about past consciousness,

anāgataṁ viññāṇaṁ nābhinandati;
doesn’t look forward to enjoying future consciousness,

paccuppannassa viññāṇassa nibbidāya virāgāya nirodhāya paṭipanno hotī”ti.
and they practice for disillusionment, dispassion, and cessation regarding present consciousness.”
