sutta » sn » sn22 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 22.11

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 22.11

1. Nakulapituvagga
1. Nakula’s Father


Not-Self in the Three Times

At Sāvatthī.

“Rūpaṁ, bhikkhave, anattā atītānāgataṁ;
“Mendicants, form of the past and future is not-self,

ko pana vādo paccuppannassa.
let alone the present.

Evaṁ passaṁ, bhikkhave, sutavā ariyasāvako atītasmiṁ rūpasmiṁ anapekkho hoti;
Seeing this, a learned noble disciple doesn’t worry about past form,

anāgataṁ rūpaṁ nābhinandati;
doesn’t look forward to enjoying future form,

paccuppannassa rūpassa nibbidāya virāgāya nirodhāya paṭipanno hoti.
and they practice for disillusionment, dispassion, and cessation regarding present form.

Vedanā anattā …
Feeling …

saññā anattā …
Perception …

saṅkhārā anattā …
Choices …

viññāṇaṁ anattā atītānāgataṁ;
Consciousness of the past and future is not-self,

ko pana vādo paccuppannassa.
let alone the present.

Evaṁ passaṁ, bhikkhave, sutavā ariyasāvako atītasmiṁ viññāṇasmiṁ anapekkho hoti;
Seeing this, a learned noble disciple doesn’t worry about past consciousness,

anāgataṁ viññāṇaṁ nābhinandati;
doesn’t look forward to enjoying future consciousness,

paccuppannassa viññāṇassa nibbidāya virāgāya nirodhāya paṭipanno hotī”ti.
and they practice for the disillusionment, dispassion, and cessation regarding present consciousness.”


Nakulapituvaggo paṭhamo.


Nakulapitā devadahā,

Dvepi hāliddikāni ca;


Upādāparitassanā duve;


Vaggo tena pavuccati.