sutta » sn » sn22 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 22.19

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 22.19

2. Aniccavagga
2. Impermanence


Suffering With Its Cause

At Sāvatthī.

“Rūpaṁ, bhikkhave, dukkhaṁ.
“Mendicants, form is suffering.

Yopi hetu yopi paccayo rūpassa uppādāya, sopi dukkho.
The cause and reason that gives rise to form is also suffering.

Dukkhasambhūtaṁ, bhikkhave, rūpaṁ kuto sukhaṁ bhavissati.
Since form is produced by what is suffering, how could it be happiness?

Vedanā dukkhā …
Feeling is suffering …

saññā dukkhā …
Perception is suffering …

saṅkhārā dukkhā …
Choices are suffering …

viññāṇaṁ dukkhaṁ.
Consciousness is suffering.

Yopi hetu yopi paccayo viññāṇassa uppādāya, sopi dukkho.
The cause and reason that gives rise to consciousness is also suffering.

Dukkhasambhūtaṁ, bhikkhave, viññāṇaṁ kuto sukhaṁ bhavissati.
Since consciousness is produced by what is suffering, how could it be happiness?

Evaṁ passaṁ …pe…
Seeing this …

nāparaṁ itthattāyā’ti pajānātī”ti.
They understand: ‘… there is no return to any state of existence.’”
