sutta » sn » sn22 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 22.83

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 22.83

9. Theravagga
9. Senior Mendicants


With Ānanda

At Sāvatthī.

Tatra kho āyasmā ānando bhikkhū āmantesi:
There Ānanda addressed the mendicants:

“āvuso bhikkhave”ti.
“Reverends, mendicants!”

“Āvuso”ti kho te bhikkhū āyasmato ānandassa paccassosuṁ.
“Reverend,” they replied.

Āyasmā ānando etadavoca:
Ānanda said this:

“Puṇṇo nāma, āvuso, āyasmā mantāṇiputto amhākaṁ navakānaṁ sataṁ bahūpakāro hoti.
“Reverends, the venerable named Puṇṇa son of Mantāṇī was very helpful to me when I was just ordained.

So amhe iminā ovādena ovadati:
He gave me this advice:

‘upādāya, āvuso ānanda, asmīti hoti, no anupādāya.
‘Reverend Ānanda, the notion “I am” occurs because of grasping, not by not grasping.

Kiñca upādāya asmīti hoti, no anupādāya?
Grasping what?

Rūpaṁ upādāya asmīti hoti, no anupādāya.
The notion “I am” occurs because of grasping form,

Vedanaṁ …

saññaṁ …

saṅkhāre …

viññāṇaṁ upādāya asmīti hoti, no anupādāya.
and consciousness, not by not grasping.

Seyyathāpi, āvuso ānanda, itthī vā puriso vā daharo yuvā maṇḍanakajātiko ādāse vā parisuddhe pariyodāte acche vā udakapatte sakaṁ mukhanimittaṁ paccavekkhamāno upādāya passeyya, no anupādāya;
Suppose there was a woman or man who was young, youthful, and fond of adornments, and they check their own reflection in a clean bright mirror or a clear bowl of water. They’d look because of grasping, not by not grasping.

evameva kho, āvuso ānanda, rūpaṁ upādāya asmīti hoti, no anupādāya.
In the same way, the notion “I am” occurs because of grasping form,

Vedanaṁ …

saññaṁ …

saṅkhāre …

viññāṇaṁ upādāya asmīti hoti, no anupādāya.
and consciousness, not by not grasping.

Taṁ kiṁ maññasi, āvuso ānanda,
What do you think, Reverend Ānanda?

rūpaṁ niccaṁ vā aniccaṁ vā’ti?
Is form permanent or impermanent?’

‘Aniccaṁ, āvuso’.
‘Impermanent, reverend.’

‘Vedanā …
‘Is feeling …

saññā …
perception …

saṅkhārā …
choices …

viññāṇaṁ niccaṁ vā aniccaṁ vā’ti?
consciousness permanent or impermanent?’

‘Aniccaṁ, āvuso’ …pe….
‘Impermanent, reverend.’ …

Tasmātiha …pe…
‘So you should truly see …

evaṁ passaṁ …pe…
Seeing this …

nāparaṁ itthattāyāti pajānātīti.
They understand: “… there is no return to any state of existence.”’

Puṇṇo nāma, āvuso, āyasmā mantāṇiputto amhākaṁ navakānaṁ sataṁ bahūpakāro hoti.
Reverends, the venerable named Puṇṇa son of Mantāṇī was very helpful to me when I was just ordained.

So amhe iminā ovādena ovadati.
He gave me this advice.

Idañca pana me āyasmato puṇṇassa mantāṇiputtassa dhammadesanaṁ sutvā dhammo abhisamito”ti.
And now that I’ve heard this teaching from Venerable Puṇṇa son of Mantāṇī, I’ve comprehended the teaching.”
