sutta » sn » sn22 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 22.97

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 22.97

10. Pupphavagga
10. Flowers


A Fingernail

At Sāvatthī.

Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho so bhikkhu bhagavantaṁ etadavoca:
Seated to one side, that mendicant said to the Buddha:

“atthi nu kho, bhante, kiñci rūpaṁ yaṁ rūpaṁ niccaṁ dhuvaṁ sassataṁ avipariṇāmadhammaṁ sassatisamaṁ tatheva ṭhassati?
“Sir, is there any form at all that’s permanent, everlasting, eternal, imperishable, and will last forever and ever?

Atthi nu kho, bhante, kāci vedanā yā vedanā niccā dhuvā sassatā avipariṇāmadhammā sassatisamaṁ tatheva ṭhassati?
Is there any feeling …

Atthi nu kho, bhante, kāci saññā …pe…
perception …

keci saṅkhārā, ye saṅkhārā niccā dhuvā sassatā avipariṇāmadhammā sassatisamaṁ tatheva ṭhassanti?
choices …

Atthi nu kho, bhante, kiñci viññāṇaṁ, yaṁ viññāṇaṁ niccaṁ dhuvaṁ sassataṁ avipariṇāmadhammaṁ sassatisamaṁ tatheva ṭhassatī”ti?
consciousness at all that’s permanent, everlasting, eternal, imperishable, and will last forever and ever?”

“Natthi kho, bhikkhu, kiñci rūpaṁ, yaṁ rūpaṁ niccaṁ dhuvaṁ sassataṁ avipariṇāmadhammaṁ sassatisamaṁ tatheva ṭhassati.
“Mendicant, there is no form at all that’s permanent, everlasting, eternal, imperishable, and will last forever and ever.

Natthi kho, bhikkhu, kāci vedanā …
There’s no feeling …

kāci saññā …
perception …

keci saṅkhārā …pe…
choices …

kiñci viññāṇaṁ, yaṁ viññāṇaṁ niccaṁ dhuvaṁ sassataṁ avipariṇāmadhammaṁ sassatisamaṁ tatheva ṭhassatī”ti.
consciousness at all that’s permanent, everlasting, eternal, imperishable, and will last forever and ever.”

Atha kho bhagavā parittaṁ nakhasikhāyaṁ paṁsuṁ āropetvā taṁ bhikkhuṁ etadavoca:
Then the Buddha, picking up a little bit of dirt under his fingernail, addressed that mendicant:

“ettakampi kho, bhikkhu, rūpaṁ natthi niccaṁ dhuvaṁ sassataṁ avipariṇāmadhammaṁ sassatisamaṁ tatheva ṭhassati.
“There’s not even this much of any form that’s permanent, everlasting, eternal, imperishable, and will last forever and ever.

Ettakañcepi, bhikkhu, rūpaṁ abhavissa niccaṁ dhuvaṁ sassataṁ avipariṇāmadhammaṁ, nayidaṁ brahmacariyavāso paññāyetha sammā dukkhakkhayāya.
If there were, this living of the spiritual life for the complete ending of suffering would not be found.

Yasmā ca kho, bhikkhu, ettakampi rūpaṁ natthi niccaṁ dhuvaṁ sassataṁ avipariṇāmadhammaṁ, tasmā brahmacariyavāso paññāyati sammā dukkhakkhayāya”.
But since there isn’t, this living of the spiritual life for the complete ending of suffering is found.

Ettakāpi kho, bhikkhu, vedanā natthi niccā dhuvā sassatā avipariṇāmadhammā sassatisamaṁ tatheva ṭhassati.
There’s not even this much of any feeling …

Ettakā cepi, bhikkhu, vedanā abhavissa niccā dhuvā sassatā avipariṇāmadhammā, na yidaṁ brahmacariyavāso paññāyetha sammā dukkhakkhayāya.

Yasmā ca kho, bhikkhu, ettakāpi vedanā natthi niccā dhuvā sassatā avipariṇāmadhammā, tasmā brahmacariyavāso paññāyati sammā dukkhakkhayāya.

Ettakāpi kho, bhikkhu, saññā natthi …pe…
perception …

ettakāpi kho, bhikkhu, saṅkhārā natthi niccā dhuvā sassatā avipariṇāmadhammā sassatisamaṁ tatheva ṭhassanti.
choices …

Ettakā cepi, bhikkhu, saṅkhārā abhavissaṁsu niccā dhuvā sassatā avipariṇāmadhammā, na yidaṁ brahmacariyavāso paññāyetha sammā dukkhakkhayāya.

Yasmā ca kho, bhikkhu, ettakāpi saṅkhārā natthi niccā dhuvā sassatā avipariṇāmadhammā, tasmā brahmacariyavāso paññāyati sammā dukkhakkhayāya.

Ettakampi kho, bhikkhu, viññāṇaṁ natthi niccaṁ dhuvaṁ sassataṁ avipariṇāmadhammaṁ sassatisamaṁ tatheva ṭhassati.
consciousness that’s permanent, everlasting, eternal, imperishable, and will last forever and ever.

Ettakampi kho, bhikkhu, viññāṇaṁ abhavissa niccaṁ dhuvaṁ sassataṁ avipariṇāmadhammaṁ, na yidaṁ brahmacariyavāso paññāyetha sammā dukkhakkhayāya.
If there were, this living of the spiritual life for the complete ending of suffering would not be found.

Yasmā ca kho, bhikkhu, ettakampi viññāṇaṁ natthi niccaṁ dhuvaṁ sassataṁ avipariṇāmadhammaṁ, tasmā brahmacariyavāso paññāyati sammā dukkhakkhayāya.
But since there isn’t, this living of the spiritual life for the complete ending of suffering is found.

Taṁ kiṁ maññasi, bhikkhu,
What do you think, mendicant?

rūpaṁ niccaṁ vā aniccaṁ vā”ti?
Is form permanent or impermanent?”

“Aniccaṁ, bhante”.
“Impermanent, sir.”

“Vedanā …
“Is feeling …

saññā …
perception …

saṅkhārā …
choices …

viññāṇaṁ niccaṁ vā aniccaṁ vā”ti?
consciousness permanent or impermanent?”

“Aniccaṁ, bhante” …pe…
“Impermanent, sir.” …

“tasmātiha …pe…
“So you should truly see …

evaṁ passaṁ …pe…
Seeing this …

nāparaṁ itthattāyāti pajānātī”ti.
They understand: ‘… there is no return to any state of existence.’”
