sutta » sn » sn22 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 22.146

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 22.146

14. Kukkuḷavagga
14. Burning Chaff


Full of Disillusionment

At Sāvatthī.

“Saddhāpabbajitassa, bhikkhave, kulaputtassa ayamanudhammo hoti—
“Mendicants, when a gentleman has gone forth out of faith, this is what’s in line with the teachings.

yaṁ rūpe nibbidābahulo vihareyya. Vedanāya …pe… saññāya … saṅkhāresu … viññāṇe nibbidābahulo vihareyya.
They should live full of disillusionment for form, feeling, perception, choices, and consciousness.

Yo rūpe nibbidābahulo viharanto, vedanāya … saññāya … saṅkhāresu … viññāṇe nibbidābahulo viharanto rūpaṁ parijānāti, vedanaṁ … saññaṁ … saṅkhāre … viññāṇaṁ parijānāti;
Living in this way, they completely understand form, feeling, perception, choices, and consciousness.

so rūpaṁ parijānaṁ vedanaṁ parijānaṁ saññaṁ parijānaṁ saṅkhāre parijānaṁ viññāṇaṁ parijānaṁ parimuccati rūpamhā, parimuccati vedanāya, parimuccati saññāya, parimuccati saṅkhārehi, parimuccati viññāṇamhā, parimuccati jātiyā jarāya maraṇena sokehi paridevehi dukkhehi domanassehi upāyāsehi; ‘parimuccati dukkhasmā’ti vadāmī”ti.
Completely understanding form, feeling, perception, choices, and consciousness, they’re freed from these things. They’re freed from rebirth, old age, and death, from sorrow, lamentation, pain, sadness, and distress. They’re freed from suffering, I say.”
