sutta » sn » sn26 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 26.1

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 26.1

1. Uppādavagga
1. Arising


The Eye

At Sāvatthī.

“Yo kho, bhikkhave, cakkhussa uppādo ṭhiti abhinibbatti pātubhāvo, dukkhasseso uppādo, rogānaṁ ṭhiti, jarāmaraṇassa pātubhāvo.
“Mendicants, the arising, continuation, rebirth, and manifestation of the eye is the arising of suffering, the continuation of diseases, and the manifestation of old age and death.

Yo sotassa uppādo ṭhiti …pe…
The arising, continuation, rebirth, and manifestation of the ear,

yo ghānassa uppādo ṭhiti …

yo jivhāya uppādo ṭhiti …

yo kāyassa uppādo ṭhiti …

yo manassa uppādo ṭhiti abhinibbatti pātubhāvo, dukkhasseso uppādo, rogānaṁ ṭhiti, jarāmaraṇassa pātubhāvo.
and mind is the arising of suffering, the continuation of diseases, and the manifestation of old age and death.

Yo ca, bhikkhave, cakkhussa nirodho vūpasamo atthaṅgamo, dukkhasseso nirodho, rogānaṁ vūpasamo, jarāmaraṇassa atthaṅgamo.
The cessation, settling, and ending of the eye is the cessation of suffering, the settling of diseases, and the ending of old age and death.

Yo sotassa nirodho …pe…
The cessation, settling, and ending of the ear,

yo ghānassa nirodho …

yo jivhāya nirodho …

yo kāyassa nirodho …

yo manassa nirodho vūpasamo atthaṅgamo, dukkhasseso nirodho, rogānaṁ vūpasamo, jarāmaraṇassa atthaṅgamo”ti.
and mind is the cessation of suffering, the settling of diseases, and the ending of old age and death.”
