sutta » sn » sn27 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 27.5

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 27.5

1. Kilesavagga
1. Corruptions



At Sāvatthī.

“Yo, bhikkhave, cakkhusamphassajāya vedanāya chandarāgo, cittasseso upakkileso.
“Mendicants, desire and greed for feeling born of eye contact,

Yo sotasamphassajāya vedanāya …
feeling born of ear contact,

yo ghānasamphassajāya vedanāya …
feeling born of nose contact,

yo jivhāsamphassajāya vedanāya …
feeling born of tongue contact,

yo kāyasamphassajāya vedanāya …
feeling born of body contact,

yo manosamphassajāya vedanāya chandarāgo, cittasseso upakkileso.
or feeling born of mind contact is a defilement of the mind. …”

Yato kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno …pe…

abhiññā sacchikaraṇīyesu dhammesū”ti.
