sutta » sn » sn37 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 37.30

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 37.30

3. Balavagga
3. Powers


They Send Her Away

“Pañcimāni, bhikkhave, mātugāmassa balāni.
“Mendicants, there are these five powers of a female.

Katamāni pañca?
What five?

Rūpabalaṁ, bhogabalaṁ, ñātibalaṁ, puttabalaṁ, sīlabalaṁ.
Attractiveness, wealth, relatives, children, and ethical behavior.

Rūpabalena ca, bhikkhave, mātugāmo samannāgato hoti, na ca sīlabalena, nāsenteva naṁ, kule na vāsenti.
If a female has the power of attractiveness but not that of ethical behavior, the family will send her away, they won’t accommodate her.

Rūpabalena ca, bhikkhave, mātugāmo samannāgato hoti, bhogabalena ca, na ca sīlabalena, nāsenteva naṁ, kule na vāsenti.
If a female has the powers of attractiveness and wealth but not that of ethical behavior, the family will send her away, they won’t accommodate her.

Rūpabalena ca, bhikkhave, mātugāmo samannāgato hoti, bhogabalena ca, ñātibalena ca, na ca sīlabalena, nāsenteva naṁ, kule na vāsenti.
If a female has the powers of attractiveness, wealth, and relatives, but not that of ethical behavior, the family will send her away, they won’t accommodate her.

Rūpabalena ca, bhikkhave, mātugāmo samannāgato hoti, bhogabalena ca, ñātibalena ca, puttabalena ca, na ca sīlabalena, nāsenteva naṁ, kule na vāsenti.
If a female has the powers of attractiveness, wealth, relatives, and children, but not that of ethical behavior, the family will send her away, they won’t accommodate her.

Sīlabalena ca, bhikkhave, mātugāmo samannāgato hoti, na ca rūpabalena, vāsenteva naṁ, kule na nāsenti.
If a female has the power of ethical behavior but not that of attractiveness, the family will accommodate her, they won’t send her away.

Sīlabalena ca, bhikkhave, mātugāmo samannāgato hoti, na ca bhogabalena, vāsenteva naṁ, kule na nāsenti.
If a female has the power of ethical behavior but not that of wealth, the family will accommodate her, they won’t send her away.

Sīlabalena ca, bhikkhave, mātugāmo samannāgato hoti, na ca ñātibalena, vāsenteva naṁ, kule na nāsenti.
If a female has the power of ethical behavior but not that of relatives, the family will accommodate her, they won’t send her away.

Sīlabalena ca, bhikkhave, mātugāmo samannāgato hoti, na ca puttabalena, vāsenteva naṁ, kule na nāsenti.
If a female has the power of ethical behavior but not that of children, the family will accommodate her, they won’t send her away.

Imāni kho, bhikkhave, pañca mātugāmassa balānī”ti.
These are the five powers of a female.”
