sutta » sn » sn44 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 44.4

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 44.4

1. Abyākatavagga
1. The Undeclared Points


With Sāriputta and Koṭṭhita (2nd)

Ekaṁ samayaṁ āyasmā ca sāriputto, āyasmā ca mahākoṭṭhiko bārāṇasiyaṁ viharanti isipatane migadāye …pe…
At one time Venerable Sāriputta and Venerable Mahākoṭṭhita were staying near Varanasi, in the deer park at Isipatana. …

(sāyeva pucchā.)
(The same down as far as:)

“Ko nu kho, āvuso, hetu, ko paccayo, yenetaṁ abyākataṁ bhagavatā”ti?
“What’s the cause, reverend, what’s the reason why this has not been declared by the Buddha?”

“Rūpaṁ kho, āvuso, ajānato apassato yathābhūtaṁ, rūpasamudayaṁ ajānato apassato yathābhūtaṁ, rūpanirodhaṁ ajānato apassato yathābhūtaṁ, rūpanirodhagāminiṁ paṭipadaṁ ajānato apassato yathābhūtaṁ, ‘hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā’tipissa hoti;
“Reverend, not truly knowing and seeing form, its origin, its cessation, and the practice that leads to its cessation, one thinks ‘a realized one still exists after death’ or

‘na hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā’tipissa hoti;
‘A realized one no longer exists after death’ or

‘hoti ca na ca hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā’tipissa hoti;
‘a realized one both still exists and no longer exists after death’ or

‘neva hoti na na hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā’tipissa hoti.
‘a realized one neither still exists nor no longer exists after death.’

Vedanaṁ …pe…
Not truly knowing or seeing feeling …

saññaṁ …pe…
perception …

saṅkhāre …pe…
choices …

viññāṇaṁ ajānato apassato yathābhūtaṁ, viññāṇasamudayaṁ ajānato apassato yathābhūtaṁ, viññāṇanirodhaṁ ajānato apassato yathābhūtaṁ, viññāṇanirodhagāminiṁ paṭipadaṁ ajānato apassato yathābhūtaṁ, ‘hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā’tipissa hoti;
consciousness, its origin, its cessation, and the practice that leads to its cessation, one thinks ‘a realized one still exists after death’ or

‘na hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā’tipissa hoti;
‘A realized one no longer exists after death’ or

‘hoti ca na ca hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā’tipissa hoti;
‘a realized one both still exists and no longer exists after death’ or

‘neva hoti na na hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā’”tipissa hoti.
‘A realized one neither still exists nor no longer exists after death.’

Rūpañca kho, āvuso, jānato passato yathābhūtaṁ, rūpasamudayaṁ jānato passato yathābhūtaṁ, rūpanirodhaṁ jānato passato yathābhūtaṁ, rūpanirodhagāminiṁ paṭipadaṁ jānato passato yathābhūtaṁ, ‘hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā’tipissa na hoti …pe…
Truly knowing and seeing form …

‘neva hoti na na hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā’tipissa na hoti.

Vedanaṁ …pe…
feeling …

saññaṁ …pe…
perception …

saṅkhāre …pe…
choices …

viññāṇaṁ jānato passato yathābhūtaṁ, viññāṇasamudayaṁ jānato passato yathābhūtaṁ, viññāṇanirodhaṁ jānato passato yathābhūtaṁ, viññāṇanirodhagāminiṁ paṭipadaṁ jānato passato yathābhūtaṁ, ‘hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā’tipissa na hoti;
consciousness, its origin, its cessation, and the practice that leads to its cessation, one doesn’t think ‘a realized one still exists after death’ or

‘na hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā’tipissa na hoti;
‘A realized one no longer exists after death’ or

‘hoti ca na ca hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā’tipissa na hoti;
‘a realized one both still exists and no longer exists after death’ or

‘neva hoti na na hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā’tipissa na hoti.
‘a realized one neither still exists nor no longer exists after death.’

Ayaṁ kho, āvuso, hetu ayaṁ paccayo, yenetaṁ abyākataṁ bhagavatā”ti.
This is the cause, this is the reason why this has not been declared by the Buddha.”
