Saṁyutta Nikāya 45.37
Translators: sujato
Linked Discourses 45.37
4. Paṭipattivagga
4. Practice
The Brahmin Life (1st)
At Sāvatthī.
“Brahmaññañca vo, bhikkhave, desessāmi, brahmaññaphalāni ca.
“Mendicants, I will teach you life as a brahmin and the fruits of life as a brahmin.
Taṁ suṇātha.
Listen …
Katamañca kho, bhikkhave, brahmaññaṁ?
And what is life as a brahmin?
Ayameva ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo, seyyathidaṁ—
It is simply this noble eightfold path, that is:
sammādiṭṭhi …pe… sammāsamādhi.
right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right immersion.
Idaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, brahmaññaṁ.
This is called life as a brahmin.
Katamāni ca, bhikkhave, brahmaññaphalāni?
And what are the fruits of life as a brahmin?
Sotāpattiphalaṁ, sakadāgāmiphalaṁ, anāgāmiphalaṁ, arahattaphalaṁ—
The fruits of stream-entry, once-return, non-return, and perfection.
imāni vuccanti, bhikkhave, brahmaññaphalānī”ti.
These are called the fruits of life as a brahmin.”