sutta » sn » sn45 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 45.165

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 45.165

13. Esanāvagga
13. Searches


Forms of Suffering

“Tisso imā, bhikkhave, dukkhatā.
“Mendicants, there are these three forms of suffering.

Katamā tisso?
What three?

Dukkhadukkhatā, saṅkhāradukkhatā, vipariṇāmadukkhatā—
The suffering inherent in painful feeling; the suffering inherent in conditions; and the suffering inherent in perishing.

imā kho, bhikkhave, tisso dukkhatā.
These are the three forms of suffering.

Imāsaṁ kho, bhikkhave, tissannaṁ dukkhatānaṁ abhiññāya pariññāya parikkhayāya pahānāya …pe… ayaṁ ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo bhāvetabbo”ti.
The noble eightfold path should be developed for the direct knowledge, complete understanding, finishing, and giving up of these three forms of suffering.”
