sutta » sn » sn46 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 46.8

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 46.8

1. Pabbatavagga
1. Mountains


With Upavāna

Ekaṁ samayaṁ āyasmā ca upavāno āyasmā ca sāriputto kosambiyaṁ viharanti ghositārāme.
At one time the venerables Upavāna and Sāriputta were staying near Kosambī, in Ghosita’s Monastery.

Atha kho āyasmā sāriputto sāyanhasamayaṁ paṭisallānā vuṭṭhito yenāyasmā upavāno tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā āyasmatā upavānena saddhiṁ sammodi.
Then in the late afternoon, Venerable Sāriputta came out of retreat, went to Venerable Upavāna and exchanged greetings with him.

Sammodanīyaṁ kathaṁ sāraṇīyaṁ vītisāretvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho āyasmā sāriputto āyasmantaṁ upavānaṁ etadavoca:
When the greetings and polite conversation were over, he sat down to one side and said to Upavāna:

“Jāneyya nu kho, āvuso upavāna, bhikkhu ‘paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā evaṁ susamāraddhā me satta bojjhaṅgā phāsuvihārāya saṁvattantī’”ti?
“Reverend Upavāna, can a mendicant know by investigating inside themselves that the seven awakening factors are well implemented so that they lead to living at ease?”

“Jāneyya kho, āvuso sāriputta, bhikkhu ‘paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā evaṁ susamāraddhā me satta bojjhaṅgā phāsuvihārāya saṁvattantī’”ti.
“They can, Reverend Sāriputta.

“Satisambojjhaṅgaṁ kho, āvuso, bhikkhu ārabbhamāno pajānāti ‘cittañca me suvimuttaṁ, thinamiddhañca me susamūhataṁ, uddhaccakukkuccañca me suppaṭivinītaṁ, āraddhañca me vīriyaṁ, aṭṭhiṁ katvā manasi karomi, no ca līnan’ti …pe…
As a mendicant rouses up the awakening factor of mindfulness, they understand: ‘My mind is well freed. I’ve eradicated dullness and drowsiness, and eliminated restlessness and remorse. My energy is roused up, and my mind is sharply focused, not sluggish.’ …

upekkhāsambojjhaṅgaṁ āvuso, bhikkhu ārabbhamāno pajānāti ‘cittañca me suvimuttaṁ, thinamiddhañca me susamūhataṁ, uddhaccakukkuccañca me suppaṭivinītaṁ, āraddhañca me vīriyaṁ, aṭṭhiṁ katvā manasi karomi, no ca līnan’”ti.
As they rouse up the awakening factor of equanimity, they understand: ‘My mind is well freed. I’ve eradicated dullness and drowsiness, and eliminated restlessness and remorse. My energy is roused up, and my mind is sharply focused, not sluggish.’

“Evaṁ kho, āvuso sāriputta, bhikkhu jāneyya ‘paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā evaṁ susamāraddhā me satta bojjhaṅgā phāsuvihārāya saṁvattantī’”ti.
That’s how a mendicant can know by investigating inside themselves that the seven awakening factors are well implemented so that they lead to living at ease.”
