sutta » sn » sn47 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 47.42

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 47.42

5. Amatavagga
5. Freedom From Death



“Catunnaṁ, bhikkhave, satipaṭṭhānānaṁ samudayañca atthaṅgamañca desessāmi.
“Mendicants, I will teach you the origin and the ending of the four kinds of mindfulness meditation.

Taṁ suṇātha.
Listen …

Ko ca, bhikkhave, kāyassa samudayo?
And what is the origin of the body?

Āhārasamudayā kāyassa samudayo;
The body originates from food.

āhāranirodhā kāyassa atthaṅgamo.
When food ceases, the body ends.

Phassasamudayā vedanānaṁ samudayo;
Feelings originate from contact.

phassanirodhā vedanānaṁ atthaṅgamo.
When contact ceases, feelings end.

Nāmarūpasamudayā cittassa samudayo;
The mind originates from name and form.

nāmarūpanirodhā cittassa atthaṅgamo.
When name and form cease, the mind ends.

Manasikārasamudayā dhammānaṁ samudayo;
Principles originate from application of mind.

manasikāranirodhā dhammānaṁ atthaṅgamo”ti.
When application of mind ends, principles end.”
