sutta » sn » sn48 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 48.14

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 48.14

2. Mudutaravagga
2. Weaker


In Brief (3rd)

“Pañcimāni, bhikkhave, indriyāni.
“Mendicants, there are these five faculties.

Katamāni pañca?
What five?

Saddhindriyaṁ …pe… paññindriyaṁ—
The faculties of faith, energy, mindfulness, immersion, and wisdom.

imāni kho, bhikkhave, pañcindriyāni.
These are the five faculties.

Imesaṁ kho, bhikkhave, pañcannaṁ indriyānaṁ samattā paripūrattā arahaṁ hoti, tato mudutarehi anāgāmī hoti, tato mudutarehi sakadāgāmī hoti, tato mudutarehi sotāpanno hoti, tato mudutarehi dhammānusārī hoti, tato mudutarehi saddhānusārī hoti.
Someone who has completed and fulfilled these five faculties is a perfected one. If they are weaker than that, they’re a non-returner … a once-returner … a stream-enterer … a follower of teachings … a follower by faith.

Iti kho, bhikkhave, paripūraṁ paripūrakārī ārādheti, padesaṁ padesakārī ārādheti.
So, mendicants, if you practice partially you succeed partially. If you practice fully you succeed fully.

‘Avañjhāni tvevāhaṁ, bhikkhave, pañcindriyānī’ti vadāmī”ti.
These five faculties are not a waste, I say.”
