sutta » sn » sn54 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 54.5

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 54.5

1. Ekadhammavagga
1. One Thing


Fruits (2nd)

“Ānāpānassati, bhikkhave, bhāvitā bahulīkatā mahapphalā hoti mahānisaṁsā.
“Mendicants, when mindfulness of breathing is developed and cultivated it’s very fruitful and beneficial.

Kathaṁ bhāvitā ca, bhikkhave, ānāpānassati kathaṁ bahulīkatā mahapphalā hoti mahānisaṁsā?
And how is mindfulness of breathing developed and cultivated to be very fruitful and beneficial?

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu araññagato vā rukkhamūlagato vā suññāgāragato vā nisīdati pallaṅkaṁ ābhujitvā ujuṁ kāyaṁ paṇidhāya parimukhaṁ satiṁ upaṭṭhapetvā.
It’s when a mendicant—gone to a wilderness, or to the root of a tree, or to an empty hut—sits down cross-legged, sets their body straight, and establishes mindfulness in front of them.

So satova assasati, satova passasati …pe…
Just mindful, they breathe in. Mindful, they breathe out. …

‘paṭinissaggānupassī assasissāmī’ti sikkhati, ‘paṭinissaggānupassī passasissāmī’ti sikkhati.
They practice like this: ‘I’ll breathe in observing letting go.’ They practice like this: ‘I’ll breathe out observing letting go.’

Evaṁ bhāvitā kho, bhikkhave, ānāpānassati evaṁ bahulīkatā mahapphalā hoti mahānisaṁsā.
Mindfulness of breathing, when developed and cultivated in this way, is very fruitful and beneficial.

Evaṁ bhāvitāya kho, bhikkhave, ānāpānassatiyā evaṁ bahulīkatāya satta phalā sattānisaṁsā pāṭikaṅkhā.
When mindfulness of breathing is developed and cultivated in this way you can expect seven fruits and benefits.

Katame satta phalā sattānisaṁsā?
What seven?

Diṭṭheva dhamme paṭikacca aññaṁ ārādheti;
You attain enlightenment early on in this very life.

no ce diṭṭheva dhamme paṭikacca aññaṁ ārādheti.

Atha maraṇakāle aññaṁ ārādheti;
If not, you attain enlightenment at the time of death.

no ce diṭṭheva dhamme paṭikacca aññaṁ ārādheti, no ce maraṇakāle aññaṁ ārādheti.

Atha pañcannaṁ orambhāgiyānaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā antarāparinibbāyī hoti …
If not, with the ending of the five lower fetters you’re extinguished in between one life and the next …

upahaccaparinibbāyī hoti …
you’re extinguished upon landing …

asaṅkhāraparinibbāyī hoti …
you’re extinguished without extra effort …

sasaṅkhāraparinibbāyī hoti …
you’re extinguished with extra effort …

uddhaṁsoto hoti akaniṭṭhagāmī—
you head upstream, going to the Akaniṭṭha realm …

evaṁ bhāvitāya kho, bhikkhave, ānāpānassatiyā evaṁ bahulīkatāya ime satta phalā sattānisaṁsā pāṭikaṅkhā”ti.
When mindfulness of breathing is developed and cultivated in this way you can expect these seven fruits and benefits.”
