sutta » sn » sn56 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 56.26

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 56.26

3. Koṭigāmavagga
3. At the Village of Koṭi



“Ye hi keci, bhikkhave, anukampeyyātha, ye ca sotabbaṁ maññeyyuṁ—mittā vā amaccā vā ñātī vā sālohitā vā—te vo, bhikkhave, catunnaṁ ariyasaccānaṁ yathābhūtaṁ abhisamayāya samādapetabbā nivesetabbā patiṭṭhāpetabbā.
“Mendicants, those who you have sympathy for, and those worth listening to—friends and colleagues, relatives and family—should be encouraged, supported, and established in the true comprehension of the four noble truths.

Katamesaṁ catunnaṁ?
What four?

Dukkhassa ariyasaccassa, dukkhasamudayassa ariyasaccassa, dukkhanirodhassa ariyasaccassa, dukkhanirodhagāminiyā paṭipadāya ariyasaccassa.
The noble truths of suffering, the origin of suffering, the cessation of suffering, and the practice that leads to the cessation of suffering.

Ye hi keci, bhikkhave, anukampeyyātha, ye ca sotabbaṁ maññeyyuṁ—mittā vā amaccā vā ñātī vā sālohitā vā—te vo, bhikkhave, imesaṁ catunnaṁ ariyasaccānaṁ yathābhūtaṁ abhisamayāya samādapetabbā nivesetabbā patiṭṭhāpetabbā.
Those who you have sympathy for, and those worth listening to—friends and colleagues, relatives and family—should be encouraged, supported, and established in the true comprehension of these four noble truths.

Tasmātiha, bhikkhave, ‘idaṁ dukkhan’ti yogo karaṇīyo …pe… ‘ayaṁ dukkhanirodhagāminī paṭipadā’ti yogo karaṇīyo”ti.
That’s why you should practice meditation …”
