sutta » kn » snp » vagga2 » Sutta Nipāta 2.3

Translators: sujato

Anthology of Discourses 2.3


Conscientious Companionship

Hiriṁ tarantaṁ vijigucchamānaṁ,
Flouting conscience, loathing it,

Tavāhamasmi iti bhāsamānaṁ;
saying “I’m on your side”,

Sayhāni kammāni anādiyantaṁ,
but not following up in deeds—

Neso mamanti iti naṁ vijaññā.
know they’re not on your side.

Ananvayaṁ piyaṁ vācaṁ,
Some say nice things to their friends

yo mittesu pakubbati;
without following it up.

Akarontaṁ bhāsamānaṁ,
The wise will recognize

parijānanti paṇḍitā.
one who talks without doing.

Na so mitto yo sadā appamatto,
No true friend relentlessly

Bhedāsaṅkī randhamevānupassī;
suspects betrayal, looking for fault.

Yasmiñca seti urasīva putto,
One on whom you rest, like a child on the breast,

Sa ve mitto yo parehi abhejjo.
is a true friend, not split from you by others.

Pāmujjakaraṇaṁ ṭhānaṁ,
One whose reward is the fruit

pasaṁsāvahanaṁ sukhaṁ;
of bearing the burden of service

Phalānisaṁso bhāveti,
develops a happy state,

vahanto porisaṁ dhuraṁ.
producing joy and attracting praise.

Pavivekarasaṁ pitvā,
One who has drunk the nectar of seclusion

Rasaṁ upasamassa ca;
and the nectar of peace,

Niddaro hoti nippāpo,
free of stress, free of evil,

Dhammapītirasaṁ pivanti.
drinks the joyous nectar of Dhamma.

Hirisuttaṁ tatiyaṁ.