sutta » kn » snp » vagga2 » Sutta Nipāta 2.9

Translators: sujato

Anthology of Discourses 2.9


What Morality?

“Kiṁsīlo kiṁsamācāro,
“With what morality, what conduct,

kāni kammāni brūhayaṁ;
fostering what deeds,

Naro sammā niviṭṭhassa,
would a person lay the foundations right,

uttamatthañca pāpuṇe”.
and reach the highest goal?”

“Vuḍḍhāpacāyī anusūyako siyā,
“Honoring elders without jealousy,

Kālaññū cassa garūnaṁ dassanāya;
they’d know the time to visit their teachers.

Dhammiṁ kathaṁ erayitaṁ khaṇaññū,
Treasuring the chance for a Dhamma talk,

Suṇeyya sakkacca subhāsitāni.
they’d listen carefully to the well-spoken words.

Kālena gacche garūnaṁ sakāsaṁ,
At the right time, they’d humbly enter

Thambhaṁ niraṅkatvā nivātavutti;
the teachers’ presence, leaving obstinacy behind.

Atthaṁ dhammaṁ saṁyamaṁ brahmacariyaṁ,
They’d call to mind and put into practice

Anussare ceva samācare ca.
the meaning, the teaching, self-control, <j>and the spiritual life.

Dhammārāmo dhammarato,
Delighting in the teaching, enjoying the teaching,

Dhamme ṭhito dhammavinicchayaññū;
standing on the teaching, evaluating the teaching,

Nevācare dhammasandosavādaṁ,
they’d never say anything that degraded the teaching,

Tacchehi nīyetha subhāsitehi.
but would be guided by genuine words well-spoken.

Hassaṁ jappaṁ paridevaṁ padosaṁ,
Giving up mirth, prayer, weeping, ill will,

Māyākataṁ kuhanaṁ giddhi mānaṁ;
deception, fraud, greed, conceit,

Sārambhaṁ kakkasaṁ kasāvañca mucchaṁ,
aggression, crudeness, stains, and indulgence,

Hitvā care vītamado ṭhitatto.
they’d wander free of vanity, steadfast.

Viññātasārāni subhāsitāni,
Understanding is the essence of well-spoken words,

Sutañca viññātasamādhisāraṁ;
stillness is the essence of learning and understanding.

Na tassa paññā ca sutañca vaḍḍhati,
Wisdom and learning do not flourish

Yo sāhaso hoti naro pamatto.
in a hasty and negligent person.

Dhamme ca ye ariyapavedite ratā,
Those happy with the teaching <j>proclaimed by the Noble One

Anuttarā te vacasā manasā kammunā ca;
are supreme in speech, mind, and deed.

Te santisoraccasamādhisaṇṭhitā,
Settled in peace, gentleness, and stillness,

Sutassa paññāya ca sāramajjhagū”ti.
they’ve realized the essence of learning and wisdom.”

Kiṁsīlasuttaṁ navamaṁ.