sutta » kn » snp » vagga4 » Sutta Nipāta 4.3

Translators: sujato

Anthology of Discourses 4.3


Eight on Malice

Vadanti ve duṭṭhamanāpi eke,
Some speak with malicious intent,

Athopi ve saccamanā vadanti;
while others speak set on truth.

Vādañca jātaṁ muni no upeti,
When disputes come up a sage does not get involved,

Tasmā munī natthi khilo kuhiñci.
which is why they’ve no barrenness at all.

Sakañhi diṭṭhiṁ kathamaccayeyya,
How can you transcend your own view

Chandānunīto ruciyā niviṭṭho;
when you’re led by preference, dogmatic in belief?

Sayaṁ samattāni pakubbamāno,
Inventing your own undertakings,

Yathā hi jāneyya tathā vadeyya.
you’d speak according to your notion.

Yo attano sīlavatāni jantu,
Some, unasked, tell others

Anānupuṭṭhova paresa pāva;
of their own precepts and vows.

Anariyadhammaṁ kusalā tamāhu,
They have an ignoble nature, say the experts,

Yo ātumānaṁ sayameva pāva.
since they speak on themselves of their own accord.

Santo ca bhikkhu abhinibbutatto,
A mendicant, peaceful, quenched,

Itihanti sīlesu akatthamāno;
never boasts “thus am I” of their precepts.

Tamariyadhammaṁ kusalā vadanti,
They have a noble nature, say the experts,

Yassussadā natthi kuhiñci loke.
not proud of anything in the world.

Pakappitā saṅkhatā yassa dhammā,
For one who formulates and creates teachings,

Purakkhatā santi avīvadātā;
and promotes them despite their defects,

Yadattani passati ānisaṁsaṁ,
if they see an advantage for themselves,

Taṁ nissito kuppapaṭiccasantiṁ.
they become dependent on that, <j>relying on unstable peace.

Diṭṭhīnivesā na hi svātivattā,
It’s not easy to get over dogmatic views

Dhammesu niccheyya samuggahītaṁ;
adopted after judging among the teachings.

Tasmā naro tesu nivesanesu,
That’s why, among all these dogmas, a person

Nirassatī ādiyatī ca dhammaṁ.
rejects one teaching and takes up another.

Dhonassa hi natthi kuhiñci loke,
The cleansed one has no formulated view

Pakappitā diṭṭhi bhavābhavesu;
at all in the world about the different realms.

Māyañca mānañca pahāya dhono,
Having given up illusion and conceit,

Sa kena gaccheyya anūpayo so.
by what path would they go? They are not involved.

Upayo hi dhammesu upeti vādaṁ,
For one who is involved gets embroiled <j>in disputes about teachings—

Anūpayaṁ kena kathaṁ vadeyya;
but how to dispute with the uninvolved? <j>About what?

Attā nirattā na hi tassa atthi,
For picking up and putting down <j>is not what they do;

Adhosi so diṭṭhimidheva sabbanti.
they have shaken off all views in this very life.

Duṭṭhaṭṭhakasuttaṁ tatiyaṁ.