sutta » kn » snp » vagga4 » Sutta Nipāta 4.5

Translators: sujato

Anthology of Discourses 4.5


Eight on the Ultimate

Paramanti diṭṭhīsu paribbasāno,
If, maintaining that theirs is the “ultimate” view,

Yaduttari kurute jantu loke;
a person makes it out to be highest in the world;

Hīnāti aññe tato sabbamāha,
then they declare all others are “lesser”;

Tasmā vivādāni avītivatto.
that’s why they’re not over disputes.

Yadattanī passati ānisaṁsaṁ,
If they see an advantage for themselves

Diṭṭhe sute sīlavate mute vā;
in what’s seen, heard, or thought; <j>or in precepts or vows,

Tadeva so tattha samuggahāya,
in that case, having adopted that one alone,

Nihīnato passati sabbamaññaṁ.
they see all others as inferior.

Taṁ vāpi ganthaṁ kusalā vadanti,
Experts say that, too, is a knot,

Yaṁ nissito passati hīnamaññaṁ;
relying on which people see others as lesser.

Tasmā hi diṭṭhaṁ va sutaṁ mutaṁ vā,
That’s why a mendicant ought not rely

Sīlabbataṁ bhikkhu na nissayeyya.
on what’s seen, heard, or thought, <j>or on precepts and vows.

Diṭṭhimpi lokasmiṁ na kappayeyya,
Nor would they form a view about the world

Ñāṇena vā sīlavatena vāpi;
through a notion or through precepts and vows.

Samoti attānamanūpaneyya,
They would never represent themselves as “equal”,

Hīno na maññetha visesi vāpi.
nor conceive themselves “worse” or “better”.

Attaṁ pahāya anupādiyāno,
What was picked up has been set down <j>and is not grasped again;

Ñāṇepi so nissayaṁ no karoti;
they form no dependency even on notions.

Sa ve viyattesu na vaggasārī,
They follow no side among the factions,

Diṭṭhimpi so na pacceti kiñci.
and believe in no view at all.

Yassūbhayante paṇidhīdha natthi,
One here who has no wish for either end—

Bhavābhavāya idha vā huraṁ vā;
for any form of existence in this life or the next—

Nivesanā tassa na santi keci,
has adopted no dogma at all

Dhammesu niccheyya samuggahītaṁ.
after judging among the teachings.

Tassīdha diṭṭhe va sute mute vā,
For them not even the tiniest idea is formulated here

Pakappitā natthi aṇūpi saññā;
regarding what is seen, heard, or thought.

Taṁ brāhmaṇaṁ diṭṭhimanādiyānaṁ,
That brahmin does not grasp any view—

Kenīdha lokasmiṁ vikappayeyya.
how could anyone in this world judge them?

Na kappayanti na purekkharonti,
They don’t make things up or promote them,

Dhammāpi tesaṁ na paṭicchitāse;
and don’t subscribe to any of the doctrines.

Na brāhmaṇo sīlavatena neyyo,
The brahmin has no need to be led by precept or vow;

Pāraṅgato na pacceti tādīti.
gone to the far shore, one such does not return.

Paramaṭṭhakasuttaṁ pañcamaṁ.