sutta » kn » snp » vagga5 » Sutta Nipāta 5.3

Translators: sujato

Anthology of Discourses 5.3


The Questions of Tissametteyya

“Kodha santusito loke,
“Who here in the world is content?”

(iccāyasmā tissametteyyo)
said Venerable Tissametteyya.

Kassa no santi iñjitā;
“Who has no disturbances?

Ko ubhantamabhiññāya,
What thoughtful one, having known both ends,

Majjhe mantā na lippati;
is not stuck in the middle?

Kaṁ brūsi mahāpurisoti,
Who do they say is a great man?

Ko idha sibbinimaccagā”.
Who here has escaped the seamstress?”

“Kāmesu brahmacariyavā,
“Leading the spiritual life among sensual pleasures,”

(metteyyāti bhagavā)
replied the Buddha,

Vītataṇho sadā sato;
“rid of craving, ever mindful;

Saṅkhāya nibbuto bhikkhu,
a mendicant who, after appraisal, is quenched:

Tassa no santi iñjitā.
that’s who has no disturbances.

So ubhantamabhiññāya,
That thoughtful one, having known both ends,

Majjhe mantā na lippati;
is not stuck in the middle.

Taṁ brūmi mahāpurisoti,
He is a great man, I declare,

So idha sibbinimaccagā”ti.
he has escaped the seamstress here.”

Tissametteyyamāṇavapucchā dutiyā.