sutta » kn » snp » vagga5 » Sutta Nipāta 5.4

Translators: sujato

Anthology of Discourses 5.4


The Questions of Puṇṇaka

“Anejaṁ mūladassāviṁ,
“To the imperturbable, the seer of the root,”

(iccāyasmā puṇṇako)
said Venerable Puṇṇaka,

Atthi pañhena āgamaṁ;
“I have come seeking with a question.

Kiṁ nissitā isayo manujā,
On what grounds have seers and men,

Khattiyā brāhmaṇā devatānaṁ;
aristocrats and brahmins here in the world

Yaññamakappayiṁsu puthūdha loke,
performed so many different <j>sacrifices to the gods?

Pucchāmi taṁ bhagavā brūhi me taṁ”.
I ask you, Blessed One; please tell me this.”

“Ye kecime isayo manujā,
“Whatever seers and men,”

(puṇṇakāti bhagavā)
replied the Buddha,

Khattiyā brāhmaṇā devatānaṁ;
“aristocrats and brahmins here in the world

Yaññamakappayiṁsu puthūdha loke,
have performed so many different <j>sacrifices to the gods:

Āsīsamānā puṇṇaka itthattaṁ;
all performed sacrifices bound to old age,

Jaraṁ sitā yaññamakappayiṁsu”.
hoping for some state of existence.”

“Ye kecime isayo manujā,
“As to those seers and men,”

(iccāyasmā puṇṇako)
said Venerable Puṇṇaka,

Khattiyā brāhmaṇā devatānaṁ;
“and aristocrats and brahmins here in the world

Yaññamakappayiṁsu puthūdha loke,
who have performed so many different <j>sacrifices to the gods:

Kaccissu te bhagavā yaññapathe appamattā;
being diligent in the methods of sacrifice,

Atāruṁ jātiñca jarañca mārisa,
have they crossed over rebirth and old age, good sir?

Pucchāmi taṁ bhagavā brūhi me taṁ”.
I ask you, Blessed One; please tell me this.”

“Āsīsanti thomayanti abhijappanti juhanti,
“Hoping, invoking, praying, and worshiping,”

(puṇṇakāti bhagavā)
replied the Buddha,

Kāmābhijappanti paṭicca lābhaṁ;
“they pray for pleasure derived from profit.

Te yājayogā bhavarāgarattā,
Devoted to sacrifice, besotted by rebirth,

Nātariṁsu jātijaranti brūmi”.
they’ve not crossed over rebirth and old age, <j>I declare.”

“Te ce nātariṁsu yājayogā,
“If those devoted to sacrifice,”

(iccāyasmā puṇṇako)
said Venerable Puṇṇaka,

Yaññehi jātiñca jarañca mārisa;
“have not, by sacrificing, <j>crossed over rebirth and old age,

Atha ko carahi devamanussaloke,
then who exactly in the world of gods and humans

Atāri jātiñca jarañca mārisa;
has crossed over rebirth and old age, good sir?

Pucchāmi taṁ bhagavā brūhi me taṁ”.
I ask you, Blessed One; please tell me this.”

“Saṅkhāya lokasmi paroparāni,
“Having appraised the world high and low,”

(puṇṇakāti bhagavā)
replied the Buddha,

Yassiñjitaṁ natthi kuhiñci loke;
“there is nothing in the world that disturbs them.

Santo vidhūmo anīgho nirāso,
Peaceful, unclouded, untroubled, <j>with no need for hope—

Atāri so jātijaranti brūmī”ti.
they’ve crossed over rebirth and old age, I declare.”

Puṇṇakamāṇavapucchā tatiyā.