sutta » kn » snp » vagga5 » Sutta Nipāta 5.6

Translators: sujato

Anthology of Discourses 5.6


The Questions of Dhotaka

“Pucchāmi taṁ bhagavā brūhi metaṁ,
“I ask you, Blessed One; please tell me this,”

(iccāyasmā dhotako)
said Venerable Dhotaka,

Vācābhikaṅkhāmi mahesi tuyhaṁ;
“I long for your voice, great seer.

Tava sutvāna nigghosaṁ,
After hearing your message,

Sikkhe nibbānamattano”.
I shall train myself for quenching.”

“Tenahātappaṁ karohi,
“Well then, be keen, alert,”

(dhotakāti bhagavā)
replied the Buddha,

Idheva nipako sato;
“and mindful right here.

Ito sutvāna nigghosaṁ,
After hearing this message, go on

Sikkhe nibbānamattano”.
and train yourself for quenching.”

“Passāmahaṁ devamanussaloke,
“I see in the world of gods and humans

Akiñcanaṁ brāhmaṇamiriyamānaṁ;
a brahmin travelling with nothing.

Taṁ taṁ namassāmi samantacakkhu,
Therefore I bow to you, All-seer:

Pamuñca maṁ sakka kathaṅkathāhi”.
release me, Sakyan, from my doubts.”

“Nāhaṁ sahissāmi pamocanāya,
“I am not able to release anyone

Kathaṅkathiṁ dhotaka kañci loke;
in the world who has doubts, Dhotaka.

Dhammañca seṭṭhaṁ abhijānamāno,
But when you understand the best of teachings,

Evaṁ tuvaṁ oghamimaṁ taresi”.
you shall cross this flood.”

“Anusāsa brahme karuṇāyamāno,
“Teach me, brahmin, out of compassion,

Vivekadhammaṁ yamahaṁ vijaññaṁ;
the principle of seclusion so that I may understand.

Yathāhaṁ ākāsova abyāpajjamāno,
I wish to practice right here, peaceful, independent,

Idheva santo asito careyyaṁ”.
as unimpeded as space.”

“Kittayissāmi te santiṁ,
“I shall extol that peace for you,”

(dhotakāti bhagavā)
replied the Buddha,

Diṭṭhe dhamme anītihaṁ;
“that is apparent in the present, <j>not relying on tradition.

Yaṁ viditvā sato caraṁ,
Having understood it, one who lives mindfully

Tare loke visattikaṁ”.
may cross over clinging in the world.”

“Tañcāhaṁ abhinandāmi,
“And I rejoice, great seer,

mahesi santimuttamaṁ;
in that supreme peace,

Yaṁ viditvā sato caraṁ,
having understood which, one who lives mindfully

tare loke visattikaṁ”.
may cross over clinging in the world.”

“Yaṁ kiñci sampajānāsi,
“Once you have understood that everything,”

(dhotakāti bhagavā)
replied the Buddha,

Uddhaṁ adho tiriyañcāpi majjhe;
“you are aware of in the world—

Etaṁ viditvā saṅgoti loke,
above, below, all round, between—

Bhavābhavāya mākāsi taṇhan”ti.
is a snare, don’t crave for life after life.”

Dhotakamāṇavapucchā pañcamī.