sutta » kn » snp » vagga5 » Sutta Nipāta 5.8

Translators: sujato

Anthology of Discourses 5.8


The Questions of Nanda

“Santi loke munayo,
“People say there are sages in the world,”

(iccāyasmā nando)
said Venerable Nanda,

Janā vadanti tayidaṁ kathaṁsu;
“but how is this the case?

Ñāṇūpapannaṁ no muniṁ vadanti,
Is someone called a sage because of their knowledge,

Udāhu ve jīvitenūpapannaṁ”.
or because of their way of life?”

“Na diṭṭhiyā na sutiyā na ñāṇena, (…)
“Experts do not speak of a sage in terms of

Munīdha nanda kusalā vadanti;
view, learning, or knowledge.

Visenikatvā anīghā nirāsā,
Those who are sages live far from the crowd, I say,

Caranti ye te munayoti brūmi”.
untroubled, with no need for hope.”

“Ye kecime samaṇabrāhmaṇāse,
“As to those ascetics and brahmins,”

(iccāyasmā nando)
said Venerable Nanda,

Diṭṭhassutenāpi vadanti suddhiṁ;
“who speak of purity in terms of what is seen or heard,

Sīlabbatenāpi vadanti suddhiṁ,
or in terms of precepts and vows,

Anekarūpena vadanti suddhiṁ.
or in terms of countless different things.

Kaccissu te bhagavā tattha yatā carantā,
Living self-controlled in that matter,

Atāru jātiñca jarañca mārisa;
have they crossed over rebirth and old age, good sir?

Pucchāmi taṁ bhagavā brūhi me taṁ”.
I ask you, Blessed One; please tell me this.”

“Ye kecime samaṇabrāhmaṇāse,
“As to those ascetics and brahmins,”

(nandāti bhagavā)
replied the Buddha,

Diṭṭhassutenāpi vadanti suddhiṁ;
“who speak of purity in terms of what is seen or heard,

Sīlabbatenāpi vadanti suddhiṁ,
or in terms of precepts and vows,

Anekarūpena vadanti suddhiṁ;
or in terms of countless different things.

Kiñcāpi te tattha yatā caranti,
Even though they live self-controlled in that matter,

Nātariṁsu jātijaranti brūmi”.
they’ve not crossed over rebirth and old age, <j>I declare.”

“Ye kecime samaṇabrāhmaṇāse,
“As to those ascetics and brahmins,”

(iccāyasmā nando)
said Venerable Nanda,

Diṭṭhassutenāpi vadanti suddhiṁ;
“who speak of purity in terms of what is seen or heard,

Sīlabbatenāpi vadanti suddhiṁ,
or in terms of precepts and vows,

Anekarūpena vadanti suddhiṁ.
or in terms of countless different things.

Te ce muni brūsi anoghatiṇṇe,
You say they have not crossed the flood, sage.

Atha ko carahi devamanussaloke;
Then who exactly in the world of gods and humans

Atāri jātiñca jarañca mārisa,
has crossed over rebirth and old age, good sir?

Pucchāmi taṁ bhagavā brūhi me taṁ”.
I ask you, Blessed One; please tell me this.”

“Nāhaṁ sabbe samaṇabrāhmaṇāse,
“I don’t say that all ascetics and brahmins,”

(nandāti bhagavā)
replied the Buddha,

Jātijarāya nivutāti brūmi;
“are shrouded by rebirth and old age.

Ye sīdha diṭṭhaṁ va sutaṁ mutaṁ vā,
There are those here who have given up all

Sīlabbataṁ vāpi pahāya sabbaṁ.
that is seen, heard, and thought, <j>and precepts and vows,

Anekarūpampi pahāya sabbaṁ,
who have given up all the countless different things.

Taṇhaṁ pariññāya anāsavāse;
Fully understanding craving, free of defilements,

Te ve narā oghatiṇṇāti brūmi”.
those people, I say, have crossed the flood.”

“Etābhinandāmi vaco mahesino,
“I rejoice in the words of the great seer!

Sukittitaṁ gotamanūpadhīkaṁ;
You have expounded non-attachment well, Gotama.

Ye sīdha diṭṭhaṁ va sutaṁ mutaṁ vā,
There are those here who have given up all

Sīlabbataṁ vāpi pahāya sabbaṁ.
that is seen, heard, and thought, <j>and precepts and vows,

Anekarūpampi pahāya sabbaṁ,
who have given up all the countless different things.

Taṇhaṁ pariññāya anāsavāse;
Fully understanding craving, free of defilements,

Ahampi te oghatiṇṇāti brūmī”ti.
those people, I agree, have crossed the flood.”

Nandamāṇavapucchā sattamā.