sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 1.4

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 1.4

The Book of the Ones

Chapter One


Puṇṇa (1st)

“Sabbhireva samāsetha,
Associate only with the virtuous,

the astute ones who see the goal.

Atthaṁ mahantaṁ gambhīraṁ,
The wise ones, diligent and clear-seeing,

duddasaṁ nipuṇaṁ aṇuṁ;
realize the goal

Dhīrā samadhigacchanti,
so great and profound,

appamattā vicakkhaṇā”ti.
hard to see, subtle, and fine.

Itthaṁ sudaṁ āyasmā puṇṇo mantāṇiputto thero gāthaṁ abhāsitthāti.
That is how this verse was recited by the senior venerable Puṇṇa son of Mantāṇī.