sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 1.18

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 1.18

The Book of the Ones

Chapter Two


Siṅgāla’s Father

“Ahu buddhassa dāyādo,
There was an heir of the Buddha,

bhikkhu bhesakaḷāvane;
a monk in Bhesakaḷā forest,

Kevalaṁ aṭṭhisaññāya,
who suffused the entire earth

apharī pathaviṁ imaṁ;
with the perception of bones.

Maññehaṁ kāmarāgaṁ so,
I think he will quickly

khippameva pahissatī”ti.
get rid of sensual desire.

… Siṅgālapitā thero ….