sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 1.43

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 1.43

The Book of the Ones

Chapter Five



“Sumuttiko sumuttiko,
Well freed! Well freed!

Sāhu sumuttikomhi tīhi khujjakehi;
I’m very well freed from three crooked things:

Asitāsu mayā naṅgalāsu mayā,
my sickles, my ploughs,

Khuddakuddālāsu mayā.
and my little hoes.

Yadipi idhameva idhameva,
Even if they were here, right here—

Atha vāpi alameva alameva;
I’d be done with them, done!

Jhāya sumaṅgala jhāya sumaṅgala,
Practice absorption Sumaṅgala! <j>Practice absorption Sumaṅgala!

Appamatto vihara sumaṅgalā”ti.
Stay heedful, Sumaṅgala!

… Sumaṅgalo thero ….