sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 1.56

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 1.56

The Book of the Ones

Chapter Six


Kuṭivihārin (1st)

“Ko kuṭikāyaṁ bhikkhu kuṭikāyaṁ,
“Who is in this little hut?” <j>“A monk is in this little hut,

Vītarāgo susamāhitacitto;
free of lust, his mind serene.

Evaṁ jānāhi āvuso,
My friend, you should know this:

Amoghā te kuṭikā katā”ti.
your little hut wasn’t built in vain.”

… Kuṭivihāritthero ….