sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 2.3

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 2.3

The Book of the Twos

Chapter One


Valliya (2nd)

“Makkaṭo pañcadvārāyaṁ,
A monkey went up to the little hut

kuṭikāyaṁ pasakkiya;
with five doors.

Dvārena anupariyeti,
He circles around, knocking

ghaṭṭayanto muhuṁ muhuṁ.
on each door, again and again.

Tiṭṭha makkaṭa mā dhāvi,
Stand still monkey, don’t run!

na hi te taṁ yathā pure;
Things are different now;

Niggahītosi paññāya,
you’ve been caught by wisdom—

neva dūraṁ gamissatī”ti.
you won’t go far.

… Valliyo thero ….