sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 2.14

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 2.14

The Book of the Twos

Chapter Two



“Parittaṁ dārumāruyha,
If you’re lost in the middle of a great sea,

yathā sīde mahaṇṇave;
and you clamber up on a little log, you’ll sink.

Evaṁ kusītamāgamma,
So too, a person who lives well

sādhujīvīpi sīdati;
sinks by relying on a lazy person.

Tasmā taṁ parivajjeyya,
Hence you should avoid such

kusītaṁ hīnavīriyaṁ.
a lazy person who lacks energy.

Pavivittehi ariyehi,
Dwell with the noble ones

pahitattehi jhāyibhi;
who are secluded and determined

Niccaṁ āraddhavīriyehi,
and always energetic;

paṇḍitehi sahāvase”ti.
the astute who practice absorption.

… Somamitto thero ….