sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 2.16

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 2.16

The Book of the Twos

Chapter Two



“Kāḷī itthī brahatī dhaṅkarūpā,
There’s a big black woman who looks like a crow.

Satthiñca bhetvā aparañca satthiṁ;
She broke off thigh-bones, first one then another;

Bāhañca bhetvā aparañca bāhaṁ,
she broke off arm-bones, first one then another;

Sīsañca bhetvā dadhithālakaṁva;
she broke off a skull like a curd-bowl, and then

Esā nisinnā abhisandahitvā.
arranged them and sat nearby.

Yo ve avidvā upadhiṁ karoti,
When an ignorant person builds up attachments,

Punappunaṁ dukkhamupeti mando;
that idiot returns to suffering again and again.

Tasmā pajānaṁ upadhiṁ na kayirā,
So let one who understands <j>not build up attachments:

Māhaṁ puna bhinnasiro sayissan”ti.
may I never again lie with a broken skull!

… Mahākāḷo thero ….