sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 2.17

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 2.17

The Book of the Twos

Chapter Two


Tissa (3rd)

“Bahū sapatte labhati,
A shaven one wrapped in the outer robe

muṇḍo saṅghāṭipāruto;
gets many enemies

Lābhī annassa pānassa,
when they receive food and drink,

vatthassa sayanassa ca.
clothes and bedding.

Etamādīnavaṁ ñatvā,
Knowing this danger,

sakkāresu mahabbhayaṁ;
this great fear in honors,

Appalābho anavassuto,
a mendicant should wander mindful,

sato bhikkhu paribbaje”ti.
with few possessions, not full of desire.

… Tisso thero ….