sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 2.21

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 2.21

The Book of the Twos

Chapter Three


Uttara (2nd)

“Khandhā mayā pariññātā,
I’ve fully understood the aggregates;

taṇhā me susamūhatā;
I’ve eradicated craving;

Bhāvitā mama bojjhaṅgā,
I’ve developed the factors of awakening,

patto me āsavakkhayo.
I’ve attained the ending of defilements.

Sohaṁ khandhe pariññāya,
Having fully understood the aggregates,

abbahitvāna jāliniṁ;
having plucked out the weaver of the web,

Bhāvayitvāna bojjhaṅge,
having developed the factors of awakening,

nibbāyissaṁ anāsavo”ti.
being undefiled, I will be fully extinguished.

… Uttaro thero ….