sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 2.27

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 2.27

The Book of the Twos

Chapter Three


Nandaka (1st)

“Yathāpi bhaddo ājañño,
Though a fine thoroughbred may stumble,

khalitvā patitiṭṭhati;
it soon stands firm again.

Bhiyyo laddhāna saṁvegaṁ,
It gains even more urgency,

adīno vahate dhuraṁ.
and draws its load undeterred.

Evaṁ dassanasampannaṁ,
Even so is one accomplished in vision,

a disciple of the Buddha.

Ājānīyaṁ maṁ dhāretha,
Remember me as a thoroughbred,

puttaṁ buddhassa orasan”ti.
the Buddha’s rightful son.

… Nandako thero ….