sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 2.30

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 2.30

The Book of the Twos

Chapter Three



“Upāsitā sappurisā,
I regularly sat close by true persons

sutā dhammā abhiṇhaso;
and learnt the teaching.

Sutvāna paṭipajjissaṁ,
What I learned, I practiced,

añjasaṁ amatogadhaṁ.
the direct route that culminates in freedom from death.

Bhavarāgahatassa me sato,
I’ve slain the desire to be reborn,

Bhavarāgo puna me na vijjati;
it won’t be found in me again.

Na cāhu na ca me bhavissati,
It was not, and it won’t be in me,

Na ca me etarahi vijjatī”ti.
and it isn’t found in me now.

… Kaṇhadinno thero …

vaggo tatiyo.


Uttaro bhaddajitthero,

sobhito valliyo isi;

Vītasoko ca yo thero,

puṇṇamāso ca nandako;

Bharato bhāradvājo ca,

kaṇhadinno mahāmunīti.