sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 2.38

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 2.38

The Book of the Twos

Chapter Four



“Pañca kāmaguṇe hitvā,
One who’s given up the five sensual titillations,

Piyarūpe manorame;
so pleasing and delightful,

Saddhāya gharā nikkhamma,
and who’s left the home life out of faith—

Dukkhassantakaro bhave.
let them make an end to suffering!

Nābhinandāmi maraṇaṁ,
I don’t long for death;

nābhinandāmi jīvitaṁ;
I don’t long for life;

Kālañca paṭikaṅkhāmi,
I await my time,

sampajāno patissato”ti.
aware and mindful.

… Nisabho thero ….