sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 2.40

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 2.40

The Book of the Twos

Chapter Four



“Ayamiti kappaṭo kappaṭakuro,
This fellow, “Rag-rice”, he sure is a rag!

Acchāya atibharitāya;
Into the vase of freedom from death, <j>polished and overflowing,

Amataghaṭikāyaṁ dhammakaṭamatto,
sufficient teaching has been poured;

Katapadaṁ jhānāni ocetuṁ.
the path to build up absorptions has been laid out.

Mā kho tvaṁ kappaṭa pacālesi,
Don’t nod off, Rag—

Mā tvaṁ upakaṇṇamhi tāḷessaṁ;
I’ll smack your ear!

Na hi tvaṁ kappaṭa mattamaññāsi,
Nodding off in the middle of the Saṅgha?

Saṅghamajjhamhi pacalāyamāno”ti.
You know no bounds.

… Kappaṭakuro thero …

vaggo catuttho.


Migasiro sivako ca,

upavāṇo ca paṇḍito;

Isidinno ca kaccāno,

nitako ca mahāvasī;

Poṭiriyaputto nisabho,

usabho kappaṭakuroti.