sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 2.43

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 2.43

The Book of the Twos

Chapter Five



“Kassindriyāni samathaṅgatāni,
Whose faculties have become serene,

Assā yathā sārathinā sudantā;
like horses tamed by a charioteer?

Pahīnamānassa anāsavassa,
With conceit and defilements given up,

Devāpi kassa pihayanti tādinoti.
who is such as envied by even the gods?

Mayhindriyāni samathaṅgatāni,
My faculties have become serene,

Assā yathā sārathinā sudantā;
like horses tamed by a charioteer.

Pahīnamānassa anāsavassa,
With conceit and defilements given up,

Devāpi mayhaṁ pihayanti tādino”ti.
I am such as envied by even the gods.

… Brahmāli thero ….