sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 3.3

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 3.3

The Book of the Threes

Chapter One



“Yo pubbe karaṇīyāni,
Whoever wishes to do afterwards

pacchā so kātumicchati;
what they should have done before

Sukhā so dhaṁsate ṭhānā,
has lost the causes for happiness,

pacchā ca manutappati.
and afterwards they’re tormented by regrets.

Yañhi kayirā tañhi vade,
You should only say what you would do;

yaṁ na kayirā na taṁ vade;
you shouldn’t say what you wouldn’t do.

Akarontaṁ bhāsamānaṁ,
The wise will recognize

parijānanti paṇḍitā.
one who talks without doing.

Susukhaṁ vata nibbānaṁ,
Oh! Extinguishment is so very blissful,

as taught by the fully awakened Buddha:

Asokaṁ virajaṁ khemaṁ,
sorrowless, stainless, secure,

yattha dukkhaṁ nirujjhatī”ti.
where suffering all ceases.

… Bākulo thero ….