sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 3.16

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 3.16

The Book of the Threes

Chapter One


Vimala (2nd)

“Pāpamitte vivajjetvā,
Shunning bad friends,

associate with the best of people.

Ovāde cassa tiṭṭheyya,
Stick to the advice he gave you,

patthento acalaṁ sukhaṁ.
aspiring to unshakable happiness.

Parittaṁ dārumāruyha,
If you’re lost in the middle of a great sea,

yathā sīde mahaṇṇave;
and you clamber up on a little log, you’ll sink.

Evaṁ kusītamāgamma,
So too, a person who lives well

sādhujīvīpi sīdati;
sinks by relying on a lazy person.

Tasmā taṁ parivajjeyya,
Hence you should avoid such

kusītaṁ hīnavīriyaṁ.
a lazy person who lacks energy.

Pavivittehi ariyehi,
Dwell with the noble ones

pahitattehi jhāyibhi;
who are secluded and determined

Niccaṁ āraddhavīriyehi,
and always energetic;

paṇḍitehi sahāvase”ti.
the astute who practice absorption.

… Vimalo thero …

Tikanipāto niṭṭhito.


Aṅgaṇiko bhāradvājo,

paccayo bākulo isi;

Dhaniyo mātaṅgaputto,

sobhito vāraṇo isi.

Vassiko ca yasojo ca,

sāṭimattiyupāli ca;

Uttarapālo abhibhūto,

gotamo hāritopi ca.

Thero tikanipātamhi,

nibbāne vimalo kato;

Aṭṭhatālīsa gāthāyo,

therā soḷasa kittitāti.