sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 4.2

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 4.2

The Book of the Fours

Chapter One



“Ahaṁ middhena pakato,
Overwhelmed by drowsiness,

vihārā upanikkhamiṁ;
I left my dwelling.

Caṅkamaṁ abhiruhanto,
Stepping up to the path for walking meditation,

tattheva papatiṁ chamā.
I fell to the ground right there.

Gattāni parimajjitvā,
I rubbed my limbs, and again

punapāruyha caṅkamaṁ;
I stepped up on the path for walking meditation.

Caṅkame caṅkamiṁ sohaṁ,
I walked meditation up and down the path,

ajjhattaṁ susamāhito.
serene inside myself.

Tato me manasīkāro,
Then the realization

yoniso udapajjatha;
came upon me—

Ādīnavo pāturahu,
the danger became clear,

nibbidā samatiṭṭhatha.
and I grew firmly disillusioned.

Tato cittaṁ vimucci me,
Then my mind was freed—

passa dhammasudhammataṁ;
see the excellence of the teaching!

Tisso vijjā anuppattā,
I’ve attained the three knowledges,

kataṁ buddhassa sāsanan”ti.
and fulfilled the Buddha’s instructions.

… Bhagutthero ….