sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 4.4

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 4.4

The Book of the Fours

Chapter One


Nandaka (2nd)

“Dhiratthu pūre duggandhe,
Damn you mortal frame, you stink!

mārapakkhe avassute;
You’re on Māra’s side, you ooze!

Navasotāni te kāye,
O body, you have nine streams

yāni sandanti sabbadā.
that are flowing all the time.

Mā purāṇaṁ amaññittho,
Don’t think much of mortal frames;

māsādesi tathāgate;
don’t disparage the Realized Ones.

Saggepi te na rajjanti,
They’re not even aroused by heaven,

kimaṅgaṁ pana mānuse.
let alone by humans.

Ye ca kho bālā dummedhā,
But those who are stupid fools,

dummantī mohapārutā;
with bad advisors, shrouded in delusion,

Tādisā tattha rajjanti,
that kind of person is aroused by bodies,

mārakhittamhi bandhane.
when Māra has laid down the snare.

Yesaṁ rāgo ca doso ca,
Those in whom greed, hate, and ignorance

avijjā ca virājitā;
have faded away;

Tādī tattha na rajjanti,
such people are not aroused by bodies,

chinnasuttā abandhanā”ti.
they’ve cut the strings, they’re no longer bound.

… Nandako thero ….