sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 4.10

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 4.10

The Book of the Fours

Chapter One



“Dhammo have rakkhati dhammacāriṁ,
“Dhamma surely protects <j>one who practices Dhamma;

Dhammo suciṇṇo sukhamāvahati;
the teaching brings happiness when practiced well.

Esānisaṁso dhamme suciṇṇe,
This is the benefit of practicing Dhamma:

Na duggatiṁ gacchati dhammacārī.
one doesn’t go to a bad destination.

Na hi dhammo adhammo ca,
It’s not the case that Dhamma <j>and what is not Dhamma

ubho samavipākino;
lead to the same results.

Adhammo nirayaṁ neti,
What is not Dhamma leads to hell,

dhammo pāpeti suggatiṁ.
while Dhamma takes you to a good place.

Tasmā hi dhammesu kareyya chandaṁ,
So you should rouse up enthusiasm for the teachings;

Iti modamāno sugatena tādinā;
such rejoicing is owing to the Holy One, the poised.

Dhamme ṭhitā sugatavarassa sāvakā,
The disciples of the best of Holy Ones <j>are firm in the teaching;

Nīyanti dhīrā saraṇavaraggagāmino”.
those wise ones are led on, <j>headed to the very best of refuges.”

“Vipphoṭito gaṇḍamūlo,
“The boil has been burst from its root,

Taṇhājālo samūhato;
the net of craving is eradicated.

So khīṇasaṁsāro na catthi kiñcanaṁ,
He has ended transmigration, he has nothing,

Cando yathā dosinā puṇṇamāsiyan”ti.
he’s like the full moon on a bright night.”

… Dhammiko thero ….