sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 5.1

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 5.1

The Book of the Fives

Chapter One



“Bhikkhu sivathikaṁ gantvā,
I, a monk, went to a charnel ground

Addasa itthimujjhitaṁ;
and saw a woman’s body abandoned there,

Apaviddhaṁ susānasmiṁ,
discarded in a cemetery,

Khajjantiṁ kimihī phuṭaṁ.
full of worms that devoured.

Yañhi eke jigucchanti,
Some men were disgusted,

mataṁ disvāna pāpakaṁ;
seeing her dead and rotten;

Kāmarāgo pāturahu,
but sexual desire arose in me,

andhova savatī ahuṁ.
I was as if blind to her oozing body.

Oraṁ odanapākamhā,
Quicker than the cooking of rice

tamhā ṭhānā apakkamiṁ;
I left that place!

Satimā sampajānohaṁ,
Mindful and aware,

ekamantaṁ upāvisiṁ.
I retired to a discreet place.

Tato me manasīkāro,
Then the realization

yoniso udapajjatha;
came upon me—

Ādīnavo pāturahu,
the danger became clear,

nibbidā samatiṭṭhatha.
and I was firmly disillusioned.

Tato cittaṁ vimucci me,
Then my mind was freed—

passa dhammasudhammataṁ;
see the excellence of the teaching!

Tisso vijjā anuppattā,
I’ve attained the three knowledges

kataṁ buddhassa sāsanan”ti.
and fulfilled the Buddha’s instructions.

… Rājadatto thero ….