sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 5.9

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 5.9

The Book of the Fives

Chapter One



“Olaggessāmi te citta,
I’ll cage you, mind,

āṇidvāreva hatthinaṁ;
like an elephant in a stockade.

Na taṁ pāpe niyojessaṁ,
Born of the flesh, that net of the senses,

kāmajāla sarīraja.
I won’t urge you to do bad.

Tvaṁ olaggo na gacchasi,
Caged, you won’t go anywhere,

Dvāravivaraṁ gajova alabhanto;
like an elephant who can’t find an open gate.

Na ca cittakali punappunaṁ,
Demon-mind, you won’t wander again and again,

Pasakka pāparato carissasi.
bullying, in love with wickedness.

Yathā kuñjaraṁ adantaṁ,
Just as a strong trainer with a hook

takes a wild, newly captured elephant

Balavā āvatteti akāmaṁ,
and wins it over against its will,

Evaṁ āvattayissaṁ taṁ.
so I’ll win you over.

Yathā varahayadamakusalo,
Just as a fine charioteer, skilled in the taming

Sārathi pavaro dameti ājaññaṁ;
of fine horses, tames a thoroughbred,

Evaṁ damayissaṁ taṁ,
so I’ll tame you,

Patiṭṭhito pañcasu balesu.
firmly established in the five powers.

Satiyā taṁ nibandhissaṁ,
I’ll bind you with mindfulness;

Payutto te damessāmi;
devout, I shall tame you;

kept in check by harnessed energy,

Na yito dūraṁ gamissase cittā”ti.
mind, you won’t go far from here.

… Vijitaseno thero ….