sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 5.12

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 5.12

The Book of the Fives

Chapter One



“Yo ve garūnaṁ vacanaññu dhīro,
Whatever wise one, <j>understanding their teacher’s words,

Vase ca tamhi janayetha pemaṁ;
stays with them, their fondness growing;

So bhattimā nāma ca hoti paṇḍito,
that astute person is indeed devoted—

Ñatvā ca dhammesu visesi assa.
knowing the teachings, they’re distinguished.

Yaṁ āpadā uppatitā uḷārā,
When extreme stresses arise,

Nakkhambhayante paṭisaṅkhayantaṁ;
one who does not tremble, but reflects instead,

So thāmavā nāma ca hoti paṇḍito,
that astute person is indeed strong—

Ñatvā ca dhammesu visesi assa.
knowing the teachings, they’re distinguished.

Yo ve samuddova ṭhito anejo,
Steady as the ocean, imperturbable,

Gambhīrapañño nipuṇatthadassī;
their wisdom is deep, they see the subtle meaning;

Asaṁhāriyo nāma ca hoti paṇḍito,
that astute person is indeed immovable—

Ñatvā ca dhammesu visesi assa.
knowing the teachings, they’re distinguished.

Bahussuto dhammadharo ca hoti,
They’re very learned, <j>and have memorized the teaching,

Dhammassa hoti anudhammacārī;
living in line with the teachings—

So tādiso nāma ca hoti paṇḍito,
that astute person is indeed such—

Ñatvā ca dhammesu visesi assa.
knowing the teachings, they’re distinguished.

Atthañca yo jānāti bhāsitassa,
They know the meaning of what is said,

Atthañca ñatvāna tathā karoti;
and act accordingly;

Atthantaro nāma sa hoti paṇḍito,
that astute person is indeed a master of meaning—

Ñatvā ca dhammesu visesi assā”ti.
knowing the teachings, they’re distinguished.

… Kosiyo thero ….

Pañcakanipāto niṭṭhito.


Rājadatto subhūto ca,


Vaḍḍho ca kassapo thero,


Vijito yasadatto ca,

soṇo kosiyasavhayo;

Saṭṭhi ca pañca gāthāyo,

therā ca ettha dvādasāti.