sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 6.11

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 6.11

The Book of the Sixes

Chapter One



“Vātarogābhinīto tvaṁ,
“Struck by a wind ailment

viharaṁ kānane vane;
while dwelling in a forest grove,

Paviddhagocare lūkhe,
you’ve entered a tough place for gathering alms—

kathaṁ bhikkhu karissasi”.
how will you get by, monk?”

“Pītisukhena vipulena,
“Pervading this bag of bones

pharitvāna samussayaṁ;
with abundant rapture and happiness,

Lūkhampi abhisambhonto,
putting up with what’s tough,

viharissāmi kānane.
I’ll dwell in the forest.

Bhāvento satta bojjhaṅge,
Developing the seven awakening factors,

indriyāni balāni ca;
the faculties and the powers,

endowed with subtle absorptions,

viharissaṁ anāsavo.
I’ll dwell without defilements.

Vippamuttaṁ kilesehi,
Freed from corruptions,

suddhacittaṁ anāvilaṁ;
my pure mind is unclouded.

Abhiṇhaṁ paccavekkhanto,
Frequently reviewing this,

viharissaṁ anāsavo.
I’ll meditate without defilements.

Ajjhattañca bahiddhā ca,
Those defilements that were found in me,

ye me vijjiṁsu āsavā;
internally and externally,

Sabbe asesā ucchinnā,
are all cut off without remainder,

na ca uppajjare puna.
and will not arise again.

Pañcakkhandhā pariññātā,
The five aggregates are fully understood,

tiṭṭhanti chinnamūlakā;
they remain, but their root is cut.

Dukkhakkhayo anuppatto,
I have reached the ending of suffering,

natthi dāni punabbhavo”ti.
now there’ll be no more future lives.”

… Nhātakamunitthero ….