sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 10.1

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 10.1

The Book of the Tens

Chapter One



“Aṅgārino dāni dumā bhadante,
“The trees are now crimson, venerable sir,

Phalesino chadanaṁ vippahāya;
they’ve shed their foliage, and are ready to fruit.

Te accimantova pabhāsayanti,
They’re splendid, as if aflame;

Samayo mahāvīra bhāgī rasānaṁ.
great hero, this season is full of flavor.

Dumāni phullāni manoramāni,
The blossoming trees are delightful,

Samantato sabbadisā pavanti;
wafting their scent all around, in all directions.

Pattaṁ pahāya phalamāsasānā,
They’ve shed their leaves and wish to fruit,

Kālo ito pakkamanāya vīra.
hero, it is time to depart from here.

Nevātisītaṁ na panātiuṇhaṁ,
It is neither too hot nor too cold,

Sukhā utu addhaniyā bhadante;
venerable sir, it’s a pleasant season for traveling.

Passantu taṁ sākiyā koḷiyā ca,
Let the Sākiyans and Koliyans see you,

Pacchāmukhaṁ rohiniyaṁ tarantaṁ.
heading west across the Rohiṇī river.

Āsāya kasate khettaṁ,
In hope, the field is plowed;

bījaṁ āsāya vappati;
the seed is sown in hope;

Āsāya vāṇijā yanti,
in hope, merchants travel the seas,

samuddaṁ dhanahārakā;
carrying rich cargoes.

Yāya āsāya tiṭṭhāmi,
The hope that I stand for:

sā me āsā samijjhatu.
may it succeed!

Punappunaṁ ceva vapanti bījaṁ,
Again and again, they sow the seed;

Punappunaṁ vassati devarājā;
again and again, the lord god sends rain;

Punappunaṁ khettaṁ kasanti kassakā,
again and again, farmers plow the field;

Punappunaṁ dhaññamupeti raṭṭhaṁ.
again and again, grain is produced for the nation.

Punappunaṁ yācanakā caranti,
Again and again, the beggars wander,

Punappunaṁ dānapatī dadanti;
again and again, the donors give.

Punappunaṁ dānapatī daditvā,
Again and again, when the donors have given,

Punappunaṁ saggamupenti ṭhānaṁ.
again and again, they take their place in heaven.

Vīro have sattayugaṁ puneti,
A hero of vast wisdom purifies seven generations

Yasmiṁ kule jāyati bhūripañño;
of the family in which they’re born.

Maññāmahaṁ sakkati devadevo,
Sakya, I believe you’re the king of kings,

Tayā hi jāto muni saccanāmo.
since you fathered the one who is truly called a sage.

Suddhodano nāma pitā mahesino,
The father of the great seer is named Suddhodana;

Buddhassa mātā pana māyanāmā;
and the Buddha’s mother is named Māyā.

Yā bodhisattaṁ parihariya kucchinā,
Having borne the Bodhisatta in her belly,

Kāyassa bhedā tidivamhi modati.
she rejoices in the heaven of the Thirty-Three.

Sā gotamī kālakatā ito cutā,
When she died and passed away from here,

Dibbehi kāmehi samaṅgibhūtā;
she was blessed with heavenly sensual pleasures;

Sā modati kāmaguṇehi pañcahi,
enjoying the five kinds of sensual stimulation.

Parivāritā devagaṇehi tehi”.
Gotamī is surrounded by those hosts of gods.”

“Buddhassa puttomhi asayhasāhino,
“I’m the son of the Buddha, <j>the incomparable Aṅgīrasa, the poised,

Aṅgīrasassappaṭimassa tādino;
the bearer of the unbearable.

Pitupitā mayhaṁ tuvaṁsi sakka,
You, Sakya, are my father’s father;

Dhammena me gotama ayyakosī”ti.
Gotama, you are my grandfather in the Dhamma.”

… Kāḷudāyī thero ….